Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day trip to Mahadeopur

I really enjoyed going to my cousin Ajay's village. Its so great getting to know another side of my family. For lunch he served Goat Curry and Fish Curry, pakora's and lots of Chai.
His family has at least 4 or 5 goats with more on the way. They are allowed free reign of the house... which I still cannot get over. I have decided though.. if I am alone at an old age, Im going to move to India and instead of being a crazy cat lady, I'll be a crazy GOAT lady!

I finally found someone to cover my arms in Henna. A young girl from the village spent about 2 hours working on me. It looks even better today.

Ajay has a beautiful wife and 3 adorable children. I really enjoyed getting to know all of them. Even though we could not communicate verbally, laughter and silliness are universal.

I went for a tour around the village with some of the other family members living with Ajay. There are 25 Rajasthani  families. Most of the villagers are Hindu. Ajays wife had a large alter area in her home and also rang a bell as she carried an oil lamp around the house. The idea is to cast away the devil and invite the God of Money.   Known as Aarti. They do this at dusk.

Here is a picture of the cutest baby and some of the villagers I met.


  1. What an amazing trip! Love the posts, can't wait to here more!

  2. Fabulous Amanda! I am happy to hear you are having such an amazing time and getting to know your new family. I wonder how princess is going to feel about her new goat siblings. Love you. xoxo

  3. She would probably cuddle up with them, or take a ride around the house on their back!! hahaha
